For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do. (Hebrews 6:10, NLT)
Because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, took upon Himself the role of a servant while He was on earth, so must we.
The one who could have been or done anything, consciously and voluntarily chose to be one who served, one who gave.
So then, if we are to become increasingly more like Christ (that is still our goal, isn’t it?) then we, too, are to give and to serve. Not just stand and preach.
To those who serve, to those who stand and preach—as Jesus Christ once stood and preached many, many years ago—He promises a reward. And we can be sure He will keep His promise.
Four truths will help put all of this in proper perspective.
- Every act of servanthood—no matter how large or small—will be remembered by God.
- God takes special note of the heart; He knows the motive behind our actions.
- As servants reach out to others, Christ’s life is modeled and a spirit of thankfulness is stimulated.
- Special and specific rewards are reserved in heaven for those who practice the art of unselfish living.
Time will prove the value of God’s truths on servanthood. May God honor His name as you and I commit ourselves anew to improving our serving before God, to cultivating the art of unselfish living, and to serving and giving to others.
As Jesus Christ once did.