Suffering is a universal experience. No matter what language we speak . . . no matter what ethnic or economic background we represent, each of us knows heartache. In fact, Joseph Parker, a great preacher of yesteryear, once said it this way to a group of young ministers:
Preach to the suffering and you will never lack a congregation. There is a broken heart in every pew.
—Joseph Parker
I know I don’t need to convince you of that. You hear variations on that theme countless times each week as you interact and counsel with people who need direction and encouragement from God’s Word.
For us, the question is obvious: “In light of my demanding schedule as a pastor, how do I adequately prepare in order to point my counselees toward healing and hope?”
We at Insight for Living Ministries ask ourselves this question too . . . because people continually turn to us asking for answers to their own tough questions. And so, through years of intensive, elbow-deep study of God’s Word and continual involvement with people, we created a resource especially to help the busy pastor.
Counseling Insights touches on 50 of the issues you’ll deal with most in your counseling ministry. Issues related to marriage, the family, the Christian life, as well as personal and emotional issues. You will be able to:
- Prepare for counseling sessions by giving you a case study and sample questions to ask
- Understanding the issue being considered from a biblical framework with Scriptures specifically related to that issue
- Counsel with “tried-and-true” wisdom to help the counselee through the correction, healing, and restorative processes necessary for lifelong emotional and spiritual maturity
- Download instantly any or all of the 50 PDFs related to the issue you need for your upcoming session. No waiting!
In this helpful counseling resource, you will not find simplistic clichés or quick-fix solutions but biblically based principles that equip you to offer assistance to those struggling through life’s deepest hurts. See the topics addressed.
My prayer is that Counseling Insights will become a tool that genuinely assists you as you minister to others. You can instantly download individual topics or the entire set at our Counseling Insights store page.
I highly recommend it for your pastoral ministry.