You may be facing what could be an unsolvable problem. You alone know what it is. If so, let me encourage you this week. Often the situations with no human answers form the basis upon which God does some of His best work—even in the lives of His messengers.

(Image from Unsplash)
This is illustrated beautifully in the life of Job.
I know, I know . . . we’ve all preached on Job. Personally, as pastors, we tend to flip the page when his name comes up. We’re too familiar with his story.
The account of his misery has become common and—may I say it?—boring. I mean, what else does this sad, suffering saint have to teach us?
God is at the helm of His creation. Not fate, not chance, not some impersonal force of nature but the Lord alone is in full command of your life.

(Image from Pixabay)
He is the sovereign ruler of the universe, and His decrees govern what happens in His world.
God’s decrees are:
We pastors are great at telling people the will of God for their lives. But what about following God’s will in our own lives? Truth be told, it’s a lot easier to preach it to others than to put it into practice for ourselves.

(Image from Pixabay)
The apostle Paul’s words come to mind:
[If you] know His will and approve the things that are essential, being instructed out of the Law, and are confident that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, a corrector of the foolish, a teacher of the immature, having in the Law the embodiment of knowledge and of the truth, you, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who preach that one shall not steal, do you steal? You who say that one should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who boast in the Law, through your breaking the Law, do you dishonor God? (Romans 2:18–23)
Paul’s words were directed to Jews who knew (and believed) the Word of God. By principle, that’s us as well.
Let me ask you a penetrating question: are you willing to do God’s will? Really?